Work Package 6 (WP6) is to continuously evaluate the project progress, processes and results and ensure their quality.
Objectives of the WP6 are as follows:
- to evaluate the achievement of the specific objectives of the project
- to ensure quality and relevance of all project outcomes and outputs, including developed curricula and all project materials to be disseminated
- to support continuous quality improvement through ensuring provision and uptake of the feedback from different experts and stakeholders.
Evaluations will be focused on the content of the project (relevance of the content of the syllabuses developed and bridging events organized; adequacy of the educational methods; presentation of materials) and on the administration of the project (timeliness of the results delivery, clarity of communication, efficiency of organization.
Leaders of WP6 are Milena Pavlova (Maastricht University) and Jadwiga Mirecka (Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University).