Work Package 3 Curricula development and implementation in the Russian Federation

In the course of the Work Package 3 (WP3) a new and updated curricula will be developed and jointly implemented by the Russian partner universities with the support of and inputs from other consortium members. This Work Package will take place during the 2nd and 3rd year of the BIHSENA project. The objectives of the WP3 are:

- To develop new educational courses based on state-of-the-art insights and perspectives on science, technology and medicine in society

- To ensure inputs from the multiple consortium members and efficient use of diverse expertise available in the consortium

- To ensure that the educational content and methods are responsive to the needs and feedback of students, professional communities and society

Leaders of WP3 are Evgeniya Popova (Tomsk State University), Maria Netaeva (Siberian Medical University) and Olga Fedorova (Siberian Medical University).