News! Two post-graduate courses for chief doctors are successfully implemented in Vinnytsia, Ukraine

In October 2017, two courses for post-graduate students were taught by the Ukranian BIHSENA team.

First course “Quality management in health care” was taught by Valentyna Anufriyeva (National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy) and coordinated by Natalia Komarnytska and Olena Ihnaschuk (National Pirogov Memorial Medical University). The second course “Health care governance and financing” was taught by lecturers from National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy - Tetiana Yurochko, Maryna Shevchenko, Tetiana Stepurko and Zoryana Chernenko.

Adequate quality of medical care is a necessary condition for reaching aims by the system of public health that are connected with health of people and ability of the system to react on consumers’ needs. WHO definition of quality of care is “the extend to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely, efficient, equitable and people-centered”. The course “Quality management in health care” is developed for the managers who want to understand all the details of ISO 9001 application in medical facility and who want to understand if there is a necessity to create and maintain their own quality management system and to receive step by step instructions of how to create the set of documents necessary for certification audit. Participants of the course found out how the requirements of the Standard ISO 9001 work along with the requirements of obligatory Ukrainian accreditation and create one set of documents valid for both systems of quality control. Which as a result will support the development of organizations under management of course participants and quality improvement in medical facilities and in the country.

“Health care governance and financing” is designed as a response to the negative attitude towards changes in health care financing and organisation. Education is an important component on health care reforms implementation. Lack of modern education in management and governance for medical students and health care professionals contributed to this situation. Thus, there is a need in education on modern basic principles of the system functioning and financing and this course addresses this gap.